Strong Authentication is a method of strengthened access to a platform, where the user performs a dual factor authentication to access the platform: first with credentials received via email, then with an OTP code received via SMS.
When uploading the list of voters, the admin associates a phone number for each participant, preceded by the country code:
If you wish to add a voter manually, fill in the fields by associating the phone number preceded by the country code in the appropriate box:
To edit a voter's phone number, you need to click on
under " Electors," the drop-down menu will open. Click on "Manage Electors".
The list of voters will open. At this point, select
to the right of the voter and select "Modify User":
At this point, the same voter add form will open, but in this case it is finalized to editing fields.
1) Enter username and password received by e-mail in the appropriate field of the login page and click on "Login":
2) You will receive an OTP (One Time Password) via SMS that must be entered as shown on the following screen:
The code is valid for 5 minutes, after which can request a new one to proceed with access.
The new code can be requested by sms by clicking on “resend” or by e-mail by clicking on “send by e-mail,” in case the user has problems with receiving it by sms.
NB: these buttons are available after 30 seconds from the first sending.
NB: these buttons are available after 30 seconds from the first sending.