Brief Vademecum for engaging Voters with an effective communication strategy

Where to start from?

The voter at the center: 

  1. Who are they?
  2. What channels do they use?
  3. How do they communicate?
  4. What kind of language do they use?

Start with these questions to shape your communication based on the profile of your voters. The primary message is the choice of an eVoting and iVoting system was made for them, to provide a relaxed, engaging, flexible yet secure, legal and GDPR compliant voting experience.

What levers of communication?

Let's see what are the levers to use in one's internal and external communication plan and what is the key information to convey to voters:


The priority of the Eligo system is data management and data security. Voting with ELIGO is legal, secure, and GDPR compliant.

Legality: According to the Sentence of the Ordinary Court of Rome, Eligo offers technological precautions suitable to offer the greatest guarantees of confidentiality, secrecy and freedom of expression of the vote;

Security: All communication to the system is via cryptographic protocol and at the infrastructural level Eligo is protected by dual logical and physical firewalls of the latest generation. The system undergoes periodic Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing by qualified market players;

Privacy: The platform is compliant with all the General Data Protection Regulation rules provided by the European Union, thanks to a standard format compliant with the new directives and adopts a qualified Cloud Service Provider compliant with ISO/IEC27001 and ISO9001 certifications and EU Regulation 2016/679.


A sustainable choice: The eVoting and iVoting system activates a sustainable initiative by reducing/absorbing paper and saving CO2 emissions due to travel by transportation to physical polling stations. 


A fully flexible, responsive, inclusive platform ensures a significant increase (approximately 80%) in voting participation and fuels involvement in the entity's decision making process as well as representative democracy with new methods of digital participation. 


Eligo's eVoting and iVoting system is democratic, easy to use even for those without technical skills or familiarity with technology. In fact, Eligo has a simple and intuitive interface, the result of almost two decades of vertical expertise, and is able to faithfully reproduce the traditional, paper-based voting process, but in a digital key. Each step is clear and well-defined, and all you have to do is express your preference in a digital voting area. 

What channels to choose?

To identify the right communication channels with which to interface with your members and/or subscribers and initiate an effective communication plan, key questions are: 

  1. What are the channels I typically use?
  2. Which of these are the most commonly used?
  3. Are there new or different channels that I could leverage?

Based on our experience and feedback from our customers, generally the most commonly used tools and channels are the follwing:

  • How to vote video tutorials. Video is immediate and is the most effective format; not surprisingly, 96% of users claim to have used the video medium to learn more about a product or service. The video could be embedded on a dedicated voting page or, if present, on the organization's YouTube channel.
  • Mail/Newsletter and/or blog post: avoid overly lengthy communications if possible and segment the news and information about the new eVoting system into multiple newsletters or blog posts.
  • Website: Certainly the news must be well highlighted on the homepage. However, pages dedicated to voting can be provided, or a popup or banner could be placed on pages not directly related to voting, but highly visited.
  • Social media: on social media it is advisable to provide a series of posts related to your election event, communicating clearly and concisely and then referring to dedicated pages.