How to upload lists and candidates

This article describes how to add lists and candidates to a list-based ballot.

From the tenant's dashboard, candidates can be added to a ballot by indistinctly clicking the "+ Lists" button in the summary section of the ballot or the "Lists #1" button, if any, to the right of the summary section of the referenced election event:

Once one of the buttons is clicked, the Lists entry window will open, from which you can choose whether to enter them manually or by uploading an Excel file: 
The name of the list must be mandatorily filled, also you can add a short description (Optional);
Click on "Save" and the candidate input window will open. Click on "Create" and add the candidates:
After candidates have been added, click on "Close". The summary window of the lists entered so far will open, to proceed to add more click on "+ Add List" and repeat the procedure.
In the case of voting with a large number of lists and candidates, it is recommended to upload them by filling in an Excel file, from the Upload window:
From here you can download the Excel template with the fields to be filled in by clicking on "Template Excel".
The file is named import-liste-e-candidati.xlsx and contains the following fields:
  • Surname: mandatory field
  • Name: mandatory field
  • Birth date: optional field to be filled in with the date of birth in DD/MM/YYYY format
  • Description: optional text field
  • Ordening: mandatory field that determines the order in which candidates appear within the reference lists
  • List: mandatory field to be filled in with the name of the list to which it belongs
  • List-ordening: mandatory field that determines the order in which lists appear
Once filled in, drag the file to the appropriate box in the upload window or click on the box to open a file upload screen.
You can check the uploaded lists and candidates, change their details or add more of them from the summary section of the ballot, or by clicking on "Show Lists" from the button to the right of the section: