How to manage accreditation

This article explains how to manage accreditation in an in-person event.

If you have the accreditation module active in your area, you can manage them through the dedicated section in the dashboard bar:

A page will open with the different possible actions. First, select the electoral event in which you are going to accredit voters:

Now search for the voter to be accredited by entering username, first or last name in one of the search bars provided:

Click on “Accredit” to accredit the voter, or on “disable” to inhibit access. Often in in-attendance only events, access is inhibited for all voters, so when accrediting, the voter is also enabled to vote. 

After accreditation, the counter in the upper left corner will update accordingly showing:

-the total number of eligible;

-The number of accredited;

-The number of accredited by proxy (in case you were to accredit a user with proxies);

-The percentage of physical accredited to the total number of eligible:

Accreditation is reversible until the voter casts their vote. Should it be necessary to deaccredit/disable a user after they have been accredited, this can be done using the corresponding buttons: